No. 10 (2019): Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior: Implantación de los principios del plan Bolonia y las tradiciones académicas


Published 10 July 2020


Competence center, key skills, professional standards, competence map internationalization of education, competence approach in education, typology of key competences, key competences, competence assessment criteria
How to Cite
Boldyrikhin , A., & Shilova , I. (2020). ANALYSES OF COMPETENCIAS FORMATION AS THE KEY FACTOR FOR SUCCESSFUL EMPLOYMENT OF UNIVERSITY GRADUATES. Journal of Supranational Policies of Education (JoSPoE), (10), 1–18.


The article deals with issues related to the problems of identifying competences demanded on the labor market, examines the regional aspects of assessing the importance of competences by employers in Russia and Kazakhstan. The competence demanded by the regional labor market have been analyzed, approaches to the formation of effective methods of interaction between universities and the labor market to improve the quality of education have been grounded. The article concerns the modern scientific approaches to identifying key competences. The paper studies approaches to the development of methodological tools that provide multi-criteria assessment (diagnostics) of the activities of educational institutions. Dynamic changes in the labor market, caused by the development of information technologies, lead to the fact that universities offer educational programs that do not meet the latest trends. The article discusses on of the ways to solve this problem by means of competence centers created on the basis of universities.



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