No. 15 (2022): Non-state actors in education


Adrián Zancajo
University of Manchester
Clara Fontdevila
University of Glasgow
Antoni Verger
Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona
Published 9 May 2022


Public-Private Partnerships, educational markets, regulation, educational inequalities
How to Cite
Zancajo, A., Fontdevila, C., & Verger, A. (2022). PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS IN EDUCATION: DEBATES, MODELS AND REGULATORY HORIZONS IN OECD COUNTRIES. Journal of Supranational Policies of Education (JoSPoE), (15), 6–32.


Despite the growing popularity of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the education sector, there is a wide academic consensus regarding their negative impact on educational inequalities. In recent years, international organizations such as the OECD, UNESCO or the World Bank have shown a growing concern about this impact. Most of these international organizations do not challenge the very PPP idea, but consider that the public regulation of PPPs can contribute to reconcile the supposed positive effects of these policies with higher levels of equity. This article contributes to the international debate on public regulation of private subsidized education. With this aim, the paper analyzes the different regulatory configurations of PPPs in education that prevail in OECD countries, as well as the processes of problematization and reform that have taken place in them. The article concludes by reflecting on the political implications and the limits of these reforms.


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