Vol. 18 (2016): Vol 18-19 (2015-2016) De Egipto y otras tierras lejanas. Covadonga Sevilla Cueva in memoriam
I. En el Antiguo Egipto / From Ancient Egypt

Notes on the cult of the Theban gods at Tanis: a general of Psusennes I

Publiée mai 25, 2017

Mots-clés :

21st Dynasty, Theban triad, Khonsu in Thebes Neferhotep, Tanis, Psusennes I, Wendjebaendjedet
Comment citer
Villar Gómez, A. M. (2017). Notes on the cult of the Theban gods at Tanis: a general of Psusennes I. ISIMU, 18, 271–276. https://doi.org/10.15366/isimu2015-2016.18-19.016


The General Wendjebaendjedet was a man of prominence at Psusennes I’ court. Even thought his origins are unknown, a possible family relationship with the royal family is being suggested in order to explain the unprecedented status that he attained: he was buried within the king’s own tomb; his exceptionally rich tomb group consisted of the typical Eleventh-Tenth Centuries BC royal funerary goods; and his impressive titulary included high-ranking military, civil and priestly titles. Focusing the attention on his sacerdotal and administrative duties on behalf of Khonsu in Thebes Neferhotep, we are going to have a closer look to the official cult of the Theban triad at Tanis and the role played by Wendjebaendjedet within the cult of the son and heir of Amun and Mut.

