Vol. 18 (2016): Vol 18-19 (2015-2016) De Egipto y otras tierras lejanas. Covadonga Sevilla Cueva in memoriam
I. En el Antiguo Egipto / From Ancient Egypt

Notes on the cult of the Theban gods at Tanis: a general of Psusennes I

Published May 25, 2017


21st Dynasty, Theban triad, Khonsu in Thebes Neferhotep, Tanis, Psusennes I, Wendjebaendjedet
How to Cite
Villar Gómez, A. M. (2017). Notes on the cult of the Theban gods at Tanis: a general of Psusennes I. ISIMU, 18, 271–276. https://doi.org/10.15366/isimu2015-2016.18-19.016


The General Wendjebaendjedet was a man of prominence at Psusennes I’ court. Even thought his origins are unknown, a possible family relationship with the royal family is being suggested in order to explain the unprecedented status that he attained: he was buried within the king’s own tomb; his exceptionally rich tomb group consisted of the typical Eleventh-Tenth Centuries BC royal funerary goods; and his impressive titulary included high-ranking military, civil and priestly titles. Focusing the attention on his sacerdotal and administrative duties on behalf of Khonsu in Thebes Neferhotep, we are going to have a closer look to the official cult of the Theban triad at Tanis and the role played by Wendjebaendjedet within the cult of the son and heir of Amun and Mut.



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