Vol. 2 (1999): Ša tudu idu. Estudios sobre las culturas antiguas de Oriente y Egipto. Homenaje al Prof. Ángel R. Garrido Herrero
VII. Egipto

A handsome gift for the Apis

Publié-e février 25, 2016
Comment citer
Malek, J. (2016). A handsome gift for the Apis. ISIMU, 2, 401–410. https://doi.org/10.15366/isimu1999.2.031


Bronze Apis bull No. 1879_332 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, was dedicated by Harmakhoros, the brother of Pabasa, the chief steward of the God's Wife of Amun, Nitocris I, sometime during the reign of Psammetichus I.



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