No. 45 (2019)

Paleohispanic: An Approach to the First Castillan Period in Mexico

Published December 12, 2019


Mexico City, American Urban Planning, Colonial Mexico, CDMX, Viceroyalty, Mexico
How to Cite
Paleohispanic: An Approach to the First Castillan Period in Mexico. (2019). Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología De La Universidad Autónoma De Madrid, (45), 279–288.


The period of cultural contact between Spaniards and Aztecs is not delimited and in fact the term "Colonial Period" is too vague because it includes 300 years of history and archaeology. On the other hand, the terms “Novohispano” as well as the term “Viceroyalty” are words that give name to the period that begins with the arrival of the first viceroy Don Antonio de Mendoza. This is why a good delimitation and naming of the stage which begins at the exact moment in which the Conquest War of Mexico ends (1521) and concludes with the arrival of the first viceroy (1535) is needed. This period would frame the moment in which Spanish conquistadors and their Castilian culture came into contact with the Aztec culture.


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