Vol. 47 No. 2 (2021): Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Not far from the limits of the Northern Uruk Culture in the Middle/Upper Euphrates: the later Chalcolithic levels of Surtepe (Birecik, Southeastern Turkey)

Published December 21, 2021


Mesopotamia, Late Uruk, Late Chalcolithic 5, Conflict, Reserved slip jar, Squat-lugged jar, Tables with numerical signs, Eye idols, Glyptic
How to Cite
Gil Fuensanta, J., Mederos Martín, A., & Muminov, O. U. . (2021). Not far from the limits of the Northern Uruk Culture in the Middle/Upper Euphrates: the later Chalcolithic levels of Surtepe (Birecik, Southeastern Turkey). Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología De La Universidad Autónoma De Madrid, 47(2), 39–82. https://doi.org/10.15366/cupauam2021.47.2.002


The Uruk Expansion, which took place during various phases throughout the 4th millennium BC, also developed in Northern Mesopotamia. In the area of Birecik, in eastern Turkey, on the edge of the Euphrates, various archaeological sites have been discovered, showing different phases of expansion of the Uruk culture. We focus this study on the Surtepe site, a 8 ha settlement, where we have distinguished a possible Late Calcolithic 5 ritual building, in a phase that we consider Terminal Uruk within the chronology of this Mesopotamian culture


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