No. 8 (2024)
Republic, Film and Plastic Arts

Design during the Second Republic. The brief journey of the avant-garde towards the everyday

Miquel Caballero Cruells
Published December 28, 2024


Second Republic, avant-gardes, composition, color, typography
How to Cite
Caballero Cruells, M. (2024). Design during the Second Republic. The brief journey of the avant-garde towards the everyday. Cultura De La República. Revista De Análisis Crítico (CRRAC), (8), 154–162.


Second Spanish Republic was a period spanning from 1931 to 1939 during which various reforms were proposed to enhance the country's economic, political, and social structures. The design sector thrived in this environment, enabling the development and application of avant-garde theories. A generation of young designers emerged in this culturally rich landscape, where their bold visual proposals were seamlessly integrated across all domains of visual language. This article examines key aspects of their contributions in areas such as advertising posters, editorial design, photography, and packaging, among others. The victory of the national troops in 1939 brought the Second Republic to a close, as well as the work of that generation of designers. This article seeks to underscore the innovative originality of their work regarding color, typography, and composition, positioning them as vital references for contemporary designers. Additionally, it serves as a tribute to their memory, ensuring they do not fade into obscurity.


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