No. 26 (2022):

Experimental photography and BotaniKa: an exercise in visual ecocriticism

Universidad de Valencia
Published December 19, 2022
How to Cite
STÜBING, G. (2022). Experimental photography and BotaniKa: an exercise in visual ecocriticism. Conservación Vegetal, (26), 35–39. Retrieved from


The concept of visual ecocriticism is proposed through experimental photography, taking plants as a formal reference, one of the main objects of study in Botany. To do this, a series of artistic works are presented that resort to the hybrid use of various techniques of experimental photography, such as the argyrotype, cyanotype and solvent transfers, among others. The objective is to achieve social awareness through aesthetic appreciation, detached from economic and selfish pragmatism, of various aspects linked to sustainability such as climate change, clean energy and the application of technologies that compromise environmental quality


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