Vol. 12 No. 2 (2019): Especial: Olimpismo y Paz
Estudios e investigaciones

Sports diplomacy and nationality in the media

Arnaud Richard
Academia Olímpica Nacional de Francia
Published December 5, 2019


Diplomacy, Sport, sports nationality, Sport and media
How to Cite
Richard, A. (2019). Sports diplomacy and nationality in the media. Citius, Altius, Fortius, 12(2), 49–57. https://doi.org/10.15366/citius2019.12.2.005


Sports are played according to rules. Conditioning to the respect of rules is an obligation, failing which their violation often leads to sanctions imposed by recognized bodies or criticism by some guardians of ethics. We do not think we are in a position to judge, let alone penalize, anyone through our works. However, we wish to present scientific tools and provide analyses which make it possible to say, based on specific academic criteria, that a given statement is not respectful towards a person or to demonstrate that a (given) form promotes the spreading of a negative ideology (contrary to the Olympic ideal). This contribution is a synthesis of Ph.D. thesis in Language Sciences (defended in 2009) and the continuation of university research combined with an involvement in the university and academic Olympic sport milieu.


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