Identity, Flag Football, existence, sports practiceAbstract
Through the sporting practice of flag football and within the framework of the XVIII Flagtex International Tournament 2023 with the participation of more than 200 teams from 31 states of the Mexican Republic, as well as the United States and Panama, a survey was conducted as part of the investigation to analyze from the philosophical category of the existentiality of playing, the possibility of the existential impact of said practice on the experience and experience of the players, its meaning and meaning in the formation of character, development of their identity, relationship with the others in the dynamics of the game and the competition. The methodology to collect the data started from the application of a Likert scale survey with the objective of finding the relationship regarding their sports practice from competition at an amateur level and recreational field, and how it impacts their daily life. In the year 2028 in Los Angeles, the United States will be an Olympic sport.
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