No. 26 (2021)

Proportionality judgments in moral and legal theory of the aurisecular Spanish scholasticism

Alejandro Miranda Montecinos
Universidad de los Andes
Portada del número 26 de la revista
Published June 14, 2021


proportionality, rights, comparison of goods and evils
How to Cite
Miranda Montecinos, A. . (2021). Proportionality judgments in moral and legal theory of the aurisecular Spanish scholasticism. Bajo Palabra, (26), 21–38.


This work analyzes the criteria used by the moralists and jurists of Spanish scholasticism (16th and 17th centuries) to carry out proportionality judgments. The author tries to show that the scholastics made important contributions to the development of a theory that, recognizing the incommensurability of fundamental human goods and evils, accepts that it is possible to make comparisons that allow us to speak of greater good (or evil) or lesser good (or evil).


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