No. 24 (2020)

The mysticism in Ortega y Gasset

Ignacio Sánchez Cámara
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Portada del número 24 de la revista Bajo Palabra
Published November 26, 2020


Ortega y Gasset, mysticism, trascendence, God, radical reality, human life, fundamental being, sense, absolute
How to Cite
Sánchez Cámara, I. (2020). The mysticism in Ortega y Gasset. Bajo Palabra, (24), 21–36.


Mysticism can be understood as the object of the work of mystics that leads to spiritual union with God and as related to “the mystical”, to the transcendent, to what does not belong to the world. This is the sense that appears in Wittgenstein's work. This article tries to analyze the attitude of Ortega y Gasset towards both aspects. The conclusion is that his work is compatible with the affirmation of the transcendent and, ultimately, with Christianity.


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