No. 13 (2017): Monográfico. El exilio español de 1939 y la crítica de la razón totalitaria

Two interpretations of Fascism: Ortega y Gasset and María Zambrano

Antolín Sánchez Cuervo
Instituto de Filosofía-CSIC
Portada del número 13 de Bajo Palabra
Published March 1, 2017


María Zambrano, Ortega y Gasset, heterodoxy, Liberalism, Fascism
How to Cite
Sánchez Cuervo, A. (2017). Two interpretations of Fascism: Ortega y Gasset and María Zambrano. Bajo Palabra, (13), 61–75.


An approximation appears to the interpretations of fascism of Ortega y Gasset and María Zambrano, as divergent as his respective conceptions of liberalism and, definitively, politics. In the case of Ortega, fascism would be a concretion of the revolt of the masses, aggressive towards the culture and the liberal institutions. In the case of Zambrano, it would identify with the nihilism and the regression to the myth, as conclusion of a process established in the heart of the Modernity and even the western reason. Both interpretations are discerned in the complex horizon of the relations of continuity and break-up, kind of knowledge shared by teachers and disciples


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