No. 5 (2010)
Simposio Dios y los Orígenes: una eterna tensión

Universos múltiples versus creación inteligente

E. Romerales
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Portada del número 5 de Bajo Palabra
Published December 30, 2010


Teleological argument, design, cosmology, fine-tuning, multiple universes, void, nothingness, inflation
How to Cite
Romerales, E. (2010). Universos múltiples versus creación inteligente. Bajo Palabra, (5), 467–478.


The teleological or design argument has gathered high reputation along history, mainly based on the biological field. After Darwin it has vanished from biology, but has vigorously reappeared into contemporary cosmology to explain the surprising phenomenon of the so called “fine-tuning” of the universe parameters. Nevertheless, various recent physical theories which claim the existence of multiple universes, together with an anthropic reasoning, have provided a purely naturalistic explanation alternative to the idea of an intelligent divine design of the origin of the universe. One first problem is the meaning of “multiple universes”, since there are various competing theories, though the best supported is that of the “Bubble universes” produced by quantum fluctuations in the void. Another problem is to what extent are these theories scientific or rather metaphysical, and yet another problem is whether they explain the fact of the tuning better than the theist hypothesis. Given both the complexity and provisional character of these theories we are not in a position to rationally choose between either horn of the dilemma at this time. But this “draw” are bad news for theism, since it means the last trench of the teleological argument has been besieged. What cosmologists cannot explain, though, is the rise of the multiverse itself, neither the origination of the void or of the inflation process generating such universes. Usually they are compelled to admit that it must be a quantum fluctuation out of pure nothingness. The precariousness of such a response invites the cosmological argument. But this argument works as a foundation for the god of pantheism or deism, not for the god of classical theism.


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