No. 6 (2011): Monográfico sobre Filosofía de la Educación

Middle-class curriculum and the failure of “achievement”

T. Falk
Ohio State University
Portada del número 6 de Bajo Palabra
Published December 30, 2011


Modernity, cultural criticism, academic achievement
How to Cite
Falk, T. (2011). Middle-class curriculum and the failure of “achievement”. Bajo Palabra, (6), 97–106.


One hears the phrase “academic achievement” repeated mantra-like in popular educational rhetoric today. However, precisely WHAT is to be achieved is rarely if ever made clear. “Achievement” has become an end in itself. Since the early 19th century, Western cultural critics have identified this irrational pursuit of success as a major ingredient of the modern malaise. This essay examines the way in which that irrational pursuit infuses the institution of the school and blinds our culture to the urgent task of formulating worthy educational aims. Although the essay?s criticism emanates principally from the education system of the United States, similar criticisms may apply to the expanse of the western and modern world.


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