No. 7 (2012)
Filosofía de la Educación

The Socratic Method and its Application to Contemporary Pedagogy

C. Castro Faune
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Portada del número 7 de Bajo Palabra
Published December 30, 2012


socratic method, teaching philosophy, technique, ethics, psychology
How to Cite
Castro Faune, C. (2012). The Socratic Method and its Application to Contemporary Pedagogy. Bajo Palabra, (7), 441–452.


We critically approach the role which Martha Nussbaum assigns to the Socratic Method in founding her project for a liberal education. First, we describe the liberal educational program. Next, we analyze the definition and role of the Socratic method. Last, we analyze three arguments that sustain the project: the definition of irony, the doctrinal discontinuity of the dialogues, and the conception of Socrates as a supporter of democracy.


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Platón, Dialogues, en Perseus Digital Librery. Greek and Roman Material. Disponible en Internet en: <> [con acceso el 12-09-2011].


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