At the end of the illusion: from the politicization of art to the aestheticization of merchandise
politicization of art, aestheticization of merchandise, artistic capitalism, image, delusionCopyright (c) 2024 Borja García Ferrer

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the meaning and scope of the phenomenon of the aestheticization of merchandise in the horizon of artistic capitalism, undermining the emancipatory potential of art in the vision of W. Benjamin, but also in the artistic praxis of the avant-garde historical. A profound subversion derives from this, a radical revolution of the relations between real and imaginary, in such a way that the visual ends the “game of illusion” through the game of reproduction, as the advertising pseudo-image irrefutably expresses. In the “age of the visual”, the image is “unhinged” from the world, leading to pressing social and political problems.
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