Sir Thomas More, Equity, Conscience, Crown, Power, FreeCopyright (c) 2024 Eugenio-Enrique Cortés-Ramírez, Juan Carlos Gómez Alonso

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Sir Thomas More invites us to contemplate the awakening of the consciousness of his humanistic vocation through the concepts of Equity and Conscience. From these, his vocation is manifested as the vivid portrait of his duel as an individual to be able to maintain his freedom in the face of the repressive power of the Crown as a Power, with which Thomas More himself does not always identify. He does not do so because although this kind of power is organized and executed by the Crown as the true civil Power, it is an added feature, very far from the essence, identity, and nature of the Crown as such. It is about the coercive power that seeks to demand not only de facto obedience, but also active assent. Even in a free and open society, such as ours, as Karl Popper stated, the trend to standardise opinions is increasing, without taking into consideration the intimate convictions and authenticity of the person, also resorting to indirect and even direct coercion.
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