No. 34 (2023): Época II. Nº34. 2023

The influence of scientific metaphors on our conception of the Earth

Henar Lanza González
Universidad del Norte (Barranquilla, Colombia)
Published December 19, 2023


Modern Epistemology, control, violence, gender, metaphor, earth
How to Cite
Lanza González, H. (2023). The influence of scientific metaphors on our conception of the Earth. Bajo Palabra, (34), 361–382.


In his Novum Organum, Bacon presents the inductive method through the metaphor of the penetration of Nature: the scientist must deflower the Earth. I will analyse the recourse to metaphor from the general theorisations of Aristotle, H. Blumenberg, A. Carson y S. Yurkasievich and the specific analysis of gender metaphors made by the feminist epistemology of S. Harding and E. F. Keller and by the ecofeminism and the philosophy of science of C. Merchant; I will outline the critiques against Baconian epistemology made from Critical Theory and M. Heidegger; I will propose a series of displacements that need to be made in scientific images and I will rescue some images from the philosophy of nature of Plato and Marcus Aurelius that can guide them and I will interweave them with poetry and the life sciences. The aim is to highlight a dual need to resurrect truths forgotten by modern scientific and philosophical rationality and to weave sciences and humanities to respond to the Anthropocene and to avoid the total fragmentation of knowledge.


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