No. 18 (2018)
Filosofía Española e Iberoamericana / Spanish and Iberoamerican Philosophy

On the orteguian condemnation of literature: presicion and speech “in partibus infidelium”

Francisco Javier Clemente Martín
Universidad de La Laguna
Published November 7, 2018
How to Cite
Clemente Martín, F. J. (2018). On the orteguian condemnation of literature: presicion and speech “in partibus infidelium”. Bajo Palabra, (18).



This paper aims to clarify the ambiguous role of the literary perspective in the work of José Ortega y Gasset, manifested in the tension between the explicit condemnation he makes of literature in some of his texts and the literary character of his own writing. In the end, the objective is to suggest a reading away from the interpretive lines that have traditionally defined the analyzes of this issue, emphasizing the importance that the literary elements play in the framework of the philosophy of Ortega even in spite of those condemnatory judgements.

Keywords: Ortega, literature, philosophy, speech.


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