No. 12 (2017)

The use of natural pigments in the treatment of leathers: identification under electronic microscopy (SEM-EDX) in experimental Stone tools

Virginia Lynch
División de Arqueología- Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Natalia G. Barreto
División de Arqueología, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Published February 19, 2018


Lithic Technology, Hide Working, Patagonia, Residues Analysis, SEM-EDX.
How to Cite
Lynch, V., & Barreto, N. G. (2018). The use of natural pigments in the treatment of leathers: identification under electronic microscopy (SEM-EDX) in experimental Stone tools. Bulletin of Experimental Archaeology, (12).


In archaeological sites of southern Patagonia the work on hide and other animals remains has been widely documented and also the use of coloring substances in their treatment, not only for decorative reasons but also for better preservation of the material. However, archaeological identification of this treatment, often results in a possible identification from the analysis of other materials (lithics, bones, etc.). Therefore, this work present the results of an experimental series manufactured for the identification of residues generated on hide working and the use of natural pigments in their treatment. This investigation includes functional and residue analysis (morphological studies and elemental composition, SEM-EDX).

The results allowed identifying certain morphological and compositional attributes to identified residues and also generate a reference collection to inquire about the technical possibilities of this methodology in its application to the archaeological record.


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