Vol.31 (2019)
Diásporas, migraciones y fronteras

Voice-Films: Decolonial nonfiction aesthetics in Barcelona

Joan Miquel Gual
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Portada del volumen 31 de la revista
Published August 6, 2020


Urban struggles, Nonfiction cinema, Iconography, Social movement, Migration, Citizenship, Sans papier
How to Cite
Gual, J. M. (2020). Voice-Films: Decolonial nonfiction aesthetics in Barcelona . Anuario Del Departamento De Historia Y Teoría Del Arte, 31, 75–91. https://doi.org/10.15366/anuario2019.31.004


The decolonial investigation studies the configuration of the world after the end of the colonies. The global diasporas, the north-south relations, the survival of colonial traces in the old metropolis and colonies, the situation of neocolonial domination imposed by some multinationals or the liberation struggles against this political framework are some of the recurring themes. More importantly for the text presented below, this branch of studies also covers the representation of urban conflicts linked to the border system. In the case of Barcelona, a significant number of non-fiction titles have appeared, characterized by some kind of alliance between local and migrant groups. Such alliances offer a critical perspective that contributes, from the field of audiovisual iconography, to increase the protest against racism and borders within the city itself. The decolonial function pursued by the non-fiction titles that will be analyzed here is the circulation of ideas, sometimes useful to different emergences, which serve to counteract the hegemonic discourses of criminalization and the multiple invisibilisations of racialized human collectives, resulting from frontiers that are the heritage of a colonial past which to a large extent it remains alive.


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