Vol. 4 (1992)
Estado de la cuestión

La pintura Romana en España: estado de la cuestión

Antonio Mostalac Carrillo
S.M.A. Zaragoza
Published December 3, 1992
How to Cite
Mostalac Carrillo, A. (1992). La pintura Romana en España: estado de la cuestión. Anuario Del Departamento De Historia Y Teoría Del Arte, 4, 9–22. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/anuario/article/view/2580


The discovery of new paintings and the papers that have been published regarding them have now enabled us to pinpoint and clarify not only the chronology of numerous pictorial collections but also old theories. From among the most outstanding contributions that have been made during the last decade we would like to make special mention of: the date of the introduction of Roman painting into Spain which goes back to the second half of the 2nd Century B. C., the discovery of ornamental repertories typical of the four Pompeian styles and the flourishing of local workshops as of the 2nd Century A. D.


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