Vol. 6 (1994)

Un error de Llaguno que se arrastra hasta nuestros días: la supuesta visita a la Catedral de Segovia de los maestros, Álava, Covarrubias, Egas y Bigarny en 1529

Published December 2, 1994
How to Cite
Castro Santamaría, A. (1994). Un error de Llaguno que se arrastra hasta nuestros días: la supuesta visita a la Catedral de Segovia de los maestros, Álava, Covarrubias, Egas y Bigarny en 1529. Anuario Del Departamento De Historia Y Teoría Del Arte, 6, 109–112. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/anuario/article/view/2552


Due to an error commited by Llaguno and afterwards repeated by several specialists, it is commonly admitted that in 1529 the Cathedral of Segovia was visited by some architects, in order to explain how the work should be finished. Certainly, some reports written by Juan de Alava, Alonso de Covarrubias, Enrique Egas and Felipe Bigarny can be found in the Archives of the Cathedral of Segovia. In this article, we will try to show that all these documents are relative to the Cathedral of Salamanca, not to Segovia. The reason why they are in Segovia is that Juan Rodríguez, canon of Segovia, ordered a copy of them. We pay attention to Alava's and Covarrubias' reports, in which they defend the continuation of the Cathedral of Salamanca with the naves at the same height, that is to say, a "hallenkirchen". These documents form part of a very intense polemic about the Cathedral of Salamanca, in which we discover the names of Rasines, Vasco de la Zarza, Egas and Riaño. The discussion was finished by the latter two, who defended the traditional idea of naves at different heights.


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