Vol. 13 (2001)

La planta centralizada en la Castilla bajomedieval: Entre la tradición martirial y la qubba islámica. Un nuevo capítulo de particularismo hispano

Juan Carlos Ruiz Souza
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published December 1, 2001
How to Cite
Ruiz Souza, J. C. (2001). La planta centralizada en la Castilla bajomedieval: Entre la tradición martirial y la qubba islámica. Un nuevo capítulo de particularismo hispano. Anuario Del Departamento De Historia Y Teoría Del Arte, 13, 9–36. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/anuario/article/view/2469


In this paper we present the survival of the central plan in architecture in the Crown of Castilla in the Late Middle Ages. This particular chapter of Spanish architecture is due to influence of the Moorish Spain, where the tradition of the centralized buildings never disappeared. The study of these circumstances, besides the incoming architectural languages from the European late gothic, can explain some interesting and unique Spanish buildings, which are nonexistent in Europe, of the XIV, XV and XVI centuries.


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