No. 3 (2022): Monographic: Hegel and the feminine

Towards a transformation of reading: Hegel, Malabou and the feminine in philosophy: Hegel, Malabou e o feminino em filosofia

Portada del número 3 de la revista Antítesis
Published June 30, 2022


Hegel, Malabou, feminine, plasticity, temporality, transfromation, reading
How to Cite
Bastidas, D. . (2022). Towards a transformation of reading: Hegel, Malabou and the feminine in philosophy: Hegel, Malabou e o feminino em filosofia. Antítesis - Revista Iberoamericana De Estudios Hegelianos, (3), 67–96.


The place and significance of the feminine in relation to Hegelian philosophy has been an important focus of interest within the tradition of contemporary philosophy. One of the authors whose current work can shed new light in this regard is Catherine Malabou. The present text seeks to develop the relationship between Hegel and the feminine by identifying the feminine as the focus of transformation of reading. The feminine appears here as the subject of a speculative hermeneutics in which text and reader reciprocally receive and donate a new form to philosophy, mutually transforming each other in the process. The possibility of a feminine reading in and of the history of philosophy is grounded in the discovery of a plastic temporality of Hegelian philosophy. In this sense, beyond the Heideggerian reading of the vulgar concept of time and its main derivations, the feminine in Hegel, considered from the angle of plasticity, linked to the development of temporality, will point to the possibility of a subjective transformation of reading. The feminine in Hegel could then open a space of transformation towards an unprecedented philosophical horizon, a horizon that, undoubtedly unknown and surprising, can be anticipated and seen to come. 


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