N.º 4 (2020)

Gramsci: Power, culture & education

Peter Mayo
University of Malta
Portada del n´umero 4 de la revista Actio Nova
Publicado Dezembro 18, 2020


Antonio Gramsci, Hegemony, Intellectuals, Power, Culture, Education, Critical & Literary Theory, Popular Creative Spirit, Process of Social Transformation.
Como Citar
Mayo, P. (2020). Gramsci: Power, culture & education. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (4), 23–45. https://doi.org/10.15366/actionova2020.4.002


This paper traces the connection between cultural work and power in the thinking and writing of Italian socio-political theorist and strategist, Antonio Gramsci. His rootedness in Marxism and a deep humanistic culture are emphasised as well as how his main conceptual tools (e.g. Hegemony, Intellectuals, ‘Popular Creative Spirit’, Critical Appropriation and ‘National-Popular’) are central to his analyses of different forms of cultural production, intellectual activity and educational developments in his time. The paper dwells on his musings on the ever so pertinent issue of Migration as it found expression in the literature of his time and their implication for reflection on the same issue in more recent times.  Importance is given to the role of political and artistic movements of the period such as Futurism and their legacy for present day life. Parallels are drawn between Gramsci’s cultural views and those of later thinkers such as Raymond Williams, Stuart Hall and Henry A. Giroux who often adopt a Gramscian lens in their economic-social-cultural analysis. The core theme of this paper is the influence of culture and cultural workers/intellectuals in the process of social transformation.


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