N.º 4 (2020)

Protagonismo violento: rasgo intratextual de "La ciudad y los perros" con las obras literarias de Mario Vargas Llosa (1993-2010)

Jesús Miguel Delgado del Águila
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Portada del n´umero 4 de la revista Actio Nova
Publicado Dezembro 18, 2020


Intratextualidad, violencia, análisis literario, análisis comparativo, discurso literario
Como Citar
Delgado del Águila, J. M. (2020). Protagonismo violento: rasgo intratextual de "La ciudad y los perros" con las obras literarias de Mario Vargas Llosa (1993-2010). ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (4), 301–323. https://doi.org/10.15366/actionova2020.4.014


This paper takes as a reference the novel The Time of the Hero to carry out an intratextual analysis, which is based on the unraveling of coinciding factors in the work of a single author. To achieve this goal, the following books are confronted: A Fish in the Water (1993), The Crazy of the Balconies (1993), Pretty Eyes, Ugly Pictures (1996), The notebooks of gift Rigoberto (1997), The Feast of the Goat (2000), The Way to Paradise (2003), The Bad Girl (2006), Odysseus and Penelope (2007), At the Foot of the Thames (2008), One Thousand and One Nights (2009), The Dream of the Celt (2010) and Fonchito and the Moon (2010). A peculiar feature in these texts is the treatment of aggressiveness that, for this investigation, will be called violent protagonism (a term adapted from the epistemology formulated by Mikhail Bakhtin). This concept will allow the obfuscating performance of the main characters to be recognized, ascribed to an oppressive and transgressive reality, the same that is used as justification and cause to validate this procedure. This will be appreciated in the areas related to family, society, politics, military organizations, ethics, sex and psychology that are reflected in the speech of the Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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