No. 4 (2020)

Thematic lines in Murakami's stories

Tutora UNED
Portada del n´umero 4 de la revista Actio Nova
Published December 18, 2020


Contemporary narrative, Short stories, Murakami
How to Cite
CASTELLÓN ALCALÁ, H. (2020). Thematic lines in Murakami’s stories. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (4), 257–275.


The article addresses the Murakami set of short stories translated into Spanish, a total of fifty-five short stories, collected  -except one - in four compilation volumes: The Elephant Vanishes, Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman, After the Earthquake and Men without Women. . It seeks to recognize the uniqueness of each of these works, and at the same time the marks of the author's narrative. To do this, the thematic landscape that each of these compilations offers is taken into account. . It is pertinent to trace how each of these books has been devised, and the links that could be found with the author's global work. Along with the registration of thematic material, it is interesting to reckon the possible use of Murakami narrative procedures.


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