No. 3 (2019)


Beatriz Giudici Fernández
Editora invitada: Claudia Sofía Benito Temprano
Published December 6, 2019


Reading, schemata, neurology, sociolinguistics, applied psychology
How to Cite
Giudici Fernández, B. (2019). THE ROLE OF SCHEMATA IN READING. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (3), 166–193.


Reading is a complex activity ruled by the human brain in which previous mental schemata play a key role. When reading, a series of schemata or «screens» are activated simultaneously while the reader accepts or rejects the options that are presented to him. Several schemata remain open at the same time, while others are closed, restructured or rejected. It is possible that schema theory may enable us to understand a bit more a process in which memory, recognition, experience, previous readings, etc. have an outstanding role in order to decipher a text, that is to say, to read.


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