No. 7 (2023)

Cursing to laugh: dismantling the stereotypes in «Deforme Semanal Ideal Total»

Juan Pedro Sanchez Lopez
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published December 22, 2023


Stereotypes, good feminist, feminism, podcast, Deforme Semanal Ideal Total
How to Cite
Sanchez Lopez, J. P. (2023). Cursing to laugh: dismantling the stereotypes in «Deforme Semanal Ideal Total». ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (7), 459–475.


By retrieving books, figures, stories, films, and reviewing them from a feminist perspective, Deforme Semanal Ideal Total proposes a space for cultural criticism that opens up room for questioning and rethinking concepts, dynamics, and ways of seeing. Although it is not only the narratives or ways of looking at certain works that this podcast proposes to update; in these reviews, Calderón and Lijtmaer also prepare an update of perhaps-not-so-visible forms: stereotypes. Through a first theoretical exploration of stereotypes and a second analysis of the stereotype of the «good feminist» and its use in Deforme Semanal Ideal Total, this paper aims to account for how humor can be used to overcome and confront certain stereotypes that are harmful and reductionist in certain lives and their expectations, specifically in the lives and expectations of women’s behavior.


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