No. 7 (2023)

Jane Eyre and Antoinette Cosway: female emancipation and transculturation of identities

Greta Montero Barra
Universidad de Chile
Published December 22, 2023


Transculturation, female subjet, identities, Other, postcolonialism
How to Cite
Montero Barra, G. (2023). Jane Eyre and Antoinette Cosway: female emancipation and transculturation of identities. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (7), 109–128.


We propose to carry out a comparative study of Jane Eyre and Wide ??Sargasso Sea, both written by women, but from different contexts and times. We postulate that Jane Eyre, as a character, represents the woman's quest to legitimize herself within the spaces of hegemonic, colonial and white culture, in the terms imposed by her time in Victorian England. While Antoinette Cosway, protagonist of Wide Sargasso Sea, problematizes, in addition to the condition of the "other" female subject, the condition of the subject oppressed by british imperialism and colonial reason.


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