No. 48 (2020)
Dossier: Cultura audiovisual, cine y educación

Teaching Cinema in Higher Education: the case of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Cuenca

Ignacio Oliva Mompeán
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Portada del número 48 de la revista Tarbiya
Published December 22, 2020


Cinema, Art, Teaching, Research, High education
How to Cite
Oliva Mompeán, I. (2020). Teaching Cinema in Higher Education: the case of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Cuenca. Tarbiya, Revista De Investigación E Innovación Educativa, (48), 99–109.


The Faculty of Fine Arts in Cuenca has a particular role in Cinema and Audiovisual formative matter in Spain. Some specific and significant audiovisual subjects that has been included and developed in its study programs along the last thirty years. This article starts with some initial considerations about the meaning and the importance of film teaching in the different education levels in Spain and the need to develop strategies for Superior Education. In the last part shows some historical models, perspectives and some examples of methodological approach given in the Faculty connected with the research experience.


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