No. 41 (2020)

Implications on private international law of the regulation against geoblocking measures

Roberto Calles Ballesteros
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Portada del número 41 de la Revista Jurídica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published November 1, 2020


Geoblocking, consumer protection, e-commerce, international jurisdiction, applicable law
How to Cite
Calles Ballesteros, R. (2020). Implications on private international law of the regulation against geoblocking measures. Revista Jurídica Universidad Autónoma De Madrid, (41), 69–92.


This study is aimed to explain the consequences of the Regulation 2018/302 for traders and customers with the ultimate goal of identifying the problems on the european private international law and its current regulations. Specifically, it intends to analyze the implications that this Regulation will have on the concepts of directed activity and client; as well as the liability (contractual and extra-contractual) of the traders. It is intended to clarify certain «gray» situations that arise from the different cases of application; as well as criticizing the excessively limited nature of the Regulation, explaining the consequences of this for European consumers and looking for the reason for such limitation.


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