No. 39 (2019)

Political leaders and vote: the case of Pablo Iglesias and Podemos

Eduard Tena Sanz
Universidad de Burgos
Portada del Número 39 de la Revista Jurídica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2019
Published January 30, 2020


Electoral behavior, Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, candidates influence, party affinity, ideological self-identification
How to Cite
Tena Sanz, E. (2020). Political leaders and vote: the case of Pablo Iglesias and Podemos. Revista Jurídica Universidad Autónoma De Madrid, (39), 323–345.


The economic crisis that started back in 2008 had a special virulence in Spain, as a result of its weight it ended up with a parallel crisis of representativeness. The appearance of new political parties was one of the most notable consequences of the above mentioned crisis. This new parties have been characterized by the presence of leaders, whom played a fundamental role in their later expansion, therefore in this article we will be analyzing the particular case of Pablo Iglesias, leader of the Podemos political party. Measuring the influence of this political leader in the vote decision for this party, in relation to other voting factors such as party affinity or ideological self-identification.


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