No. 39 (2019)

The role of the declaration of harmfulness for the public interest within the system for the review of favourable administrative acts established by section 107 of Spain’s public administrations general administrative procedural act

Félix Muriel Lorenzo
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Portada del Número 39 de la Revista Jurídica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2019
Published January 30, 2020


Review of administrative acts, declaration of harmfulness for the public interest, limits of administrative review powers, weighing of interests, relatively void administrative acts
How to Cite
Muriel Lorenzo, F. (2020). The role of the declaration of harmfulness for the public interest within the system for the review of favourable administrative acts established by section 107 of Spain’s public administrations general administrative procedural act. Revista Jurídica Universidad Autónoma De Madrid, (39), 269–296.


Section 107 of Spain’s Public Administrations’ General Administrative Procedural Act contemplates the so-called system of harmfulness for the review of relatively void favourable administrative acts, in which review powers are attributed to the Administrative litigation Jurisdiction. Although this system is a historic institution of Spanish administrative law, until now, little attention has been dedicated to the role of the declaration of harmfulness for the public interest within the aforementioned system. I.e., in this system, ¿why does the Administration have to declare that its acts are harmful to the general public interest prior to their judicial impugnation? The research conducted addresses this issue, concluding that the role of the declaration of harmfulness for the public interest is linked to the implementation of Section 110 of Spain’s Public Administrations’ General Administrative Procedural Act («limits of administrative review powers») in the aforementioned system for reviewing administrative acts.


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