No. 38 (2018)

Autonomy of the will and embryo selection within the assisted reproductive technology framework

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published August 1, 2019


autonomy of the will, embryo selection, preimplantation genetic diagnosis
How to Cite
MACÍA MORILLO, A. (2019). Autonomy of the will and embryo selection within the assisted reproductive technology framework. Revista Jurídica Universidad Autónoma De Madrid, (38), 317–346.


The desires and aspirations of individuals to conceive healthy offspring or offspring with specific characteristics go against and clash with the protection that the legal systems offer to life at all stages of development. In the field of assisted human reproduction, this controversy manifests itself between the respect for the autonomy of the will of the potential parents in terms of embryo selection and its limitation on the protection of life in an embryonic state. The different legal systems have faced this controversy in different ways; the object of this paper is to analyse the different solutions.


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