No. 38 (2018)

Autonomy vs. Public order? In family relationships in argentinian law from a contemporary perspective

Investigadora Independiente
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
Carolina VIDETTA
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Published August 1, 2019


public order, autonomy of the will, families, children and adolescents, Argentinian law
How to Cite
HERRERA, M., SALITURI AMEZCUA, M. M., & VIDETTA, C. (2019). Autonomy vs. Public order? In family relationships in argentinian law from a contemporary perspective. Revista Jurídica Universidad Autónoma De Madrid, (38), 25–54.


The transformation of families in contemporary Argentinian society and the process of democratisation experienced within the country have prompted a redefi nition of authority relations and enhanced participation of all its members, which is increasingly respectful and egalitarian.

This has caused a real revolution in the last decade, which is refl ected in the legislation. Thus, since 2015 the Argentinian Republic has a new Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation that has been able to closely monitor these transformations. Associated with the so-called constitutionalisation and conventionalisation of civil law, it is a Code designed for a multicultural (secular) society, based on the principle of equality and non-discrimination, which incorporates the obligatory gender perspective, as well as the paradigms that shape the current consideration of children and adolescents as subjects of rights with the progressive ability to exercise them. In this sense, the objective of the work that we propose to carry out is not only to be able to individualise the expressions of the autonomy of the will in the current Argentinian legal system within Family law, but also to carry out an analysis of the possible limits of said autonomy of the will in the relationships between adults and between parents and children.


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