loss of benefits, delimitation clauses, right limiting clauses, COVID-19Copyright (c) 2022 Revista Jurídica Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
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On 3 February 2021, the Girona Provincial Court handed down Ruling 59/2021, which profoundly impacted the insurance sector. This is the first decision ruled by a Provincial Court which addresses the companies' loss of profit derived from the COVID-19 pandemic's interruption of their business, reasoning that this event should be covered by the loss-of-profit insurance. Following this ruling, hundreds of small and medium-sized enterprises have proceeded to make judicial and extra-judicial claims against their insurers, requesting compensation to mitigate these losses. Thus, this project aims to analyse the debate surrounding the coverage of loss of profits linked to the measures that were taken against COVID-19, through the lens of the case-law and the administrative doctrine issued on the matter.
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