No. 37 (2018)

The new data protection regulation. an analysis of the territorial scope of its content and the mechanisms orientated to resolve illegal processing

Published October 29, 2018


derecho a la protección de datos, Directiva 95/46/CE, Reglamento 2016/769 General de Protección de Datos, ámbito territorial de la norma, tutela administrativa y judicial
How to Cite
Durán Arroyo, A. (2018). The new data protection regulation. an analysis of the territorial scope of its content and the mechanisms orientated to resolve illegal processing. Revista Jurídica Universidad Autónoma De Madrid, (37), 415–440.


Thanks to Directive 95/46/EC, the European Union led the way on this fundamental right regulation. However, the legal practice revealed different problems, provoking the promulgation of the new Data Protection Regulation, applicable since May 2018. This paper is focused on two concrete aspects of the European law: the territorial scope of its content and the mechanisms orientated to resolve illegal processing, in order to verify whether the Regulation has solved the Directive's problems and guarantees a real and effective protection of data subjects.

data protection right; Directive 95/46/CE; Data Protection Regulation (2016/769); territorial scope; administrative and civil remedies


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