No. 37 (2018)

Comparative study of the fair compensation for private copying scheme in spain and the united kingdom

Published October 29, 2018


fair compensation, exception for private copying, United Kingdom, Spain, European Union
How to Cite
Delgado García-Pomareda, J. (2018). Comparative study of the fair compensation for private copying scheme in spain and the united kingdom. Revista Jurídica Universidad Autónoma De Madrid, (37), 365–390.


The paper intends to point the frictions and difficulties regarding the exception for private copying, from a legislative and technologic perspective. The analysis begins with the study of the caselaw of the European Court of Justice, followed by the examination and comparison of the Spanish and British systems of compensation. The analysis aims to show the issues present in the European system, highlighted by the legislative process of both countries. Hereafter, some of the more pressing defects of the supranational system of compensation will be exposed, so that legislative, financing and approach alternatives can be offered for the exception for private copying. This essay seeks to propose a reinvention of the current regulation, as well as exposing its obsolescence and hurdles.


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