n. 10 (2021)

Gender mainstreaming in the European Union development policy: the Tunisian case.

Publicado maio 17, 2021


Gender mainstreaming, Development policy, European Union, Tunisia
Como Citar
Sanz Ventín, S. (2021). Gender mainstreaming in the European Union development policy: the Tunisian case. Journal of Feminist, Gender and Women Studies, (10), 51–61. https://doi.org/10.15366/jfgws2021.10.006


This paper examines gender mainstreaming in the European Union development policy to Tunisia. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the way in which Gender Mainstreaming is included in the European Union Development polity in a strategic country such as Tunisia. In doing this, I will examine to which extent the Gender Mainstreaming integration is genuinely achieving its aim of transforming unequal gender relations.  The first section of the paper develops the theoretical frame. The second section explains the research methodology. The third section explains the research results showing how the European Union has overlooked a unique opportunity that would has given the chance to integrate Gender Mainstreaming in the post-revolution European Union development policy, into the national public policies and lastly, in establishing a more inclusive dialogue with an embryonic civil society and mature feminist movement.

The paper concludes with the hope that this study will serve to guide and promote, in first place, a real integration of a transformative gender mainstreaming in the EU development policy and in second place, to boost the EU role as promoter of possible national reforms which will enable the implementation of transformative gender mainstreaming in national policies breaking once for all with the artificial neutrality of public policies.


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