No. 9 (2020): Monográfico: La recepción de las figuras femeninas de la Antigüedad

Amazon lesbian reception: the case of Wonder Woman

Español Español
Portada del número 9 de la revista Journal of Feminist, Gender and Women Studies
Published December 14, 2020


Amazons, Wonder Woman, lesbianism, Classical Reception
How to Cite
Español, S. (2020). Amazon lesbian reception: the case of Wonder Woman. Journal of Feminist, Gender and Women Studies, (9), 11–22.


Over the centuries, several elements from Classical Antiquity have been adapted and remodelled to give a voice to modern identities, creating a chain of receptions going from the archetype to the contemporary product. Thus, the warrior woman model encapsulated by the Amazon has been transmitted until 20th century, when it served as a reference for the creation of Wonder Woman, from the homonymous comic. Using Classical Reception theory as a framework, this paper seeks to analyse the dynamics of reception and appropriation of the Amazon by the lesbian collective, through the comic book Wonder Woman. For that purpose, it will delve into the features of the classical archetype and its tradition, in relation to the feminist ideology of its creator, William Moulton Marston. The ultimate goal is the identification of the elements of the classic referent and its rewriting that paved the way to its lesbian reinterpretation, among which Amazons’ agency stands out, together with their geographical location on an island and the superhero costume.


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