No. 15 (2023): Monográfico: Pornografía, Mujer y Género.
Comunicaciones Cortas

Pornography in Chile: Absence of the State and Market Promotion. Brief Reflection from a Critical Feminism

Paula Santana Nazarit
Published December 20, 2023


pornography, chile, structural violence, critical feminism, absent state
How to Cite
Santana Nazarit, P. (2023). Pornography in Chile: Absence of the State and Market Promotion. Brief Reflection from a Critical Feminism. Journal of Feminist, Gender and Women Studies, (15), 163–171.


This paper shares a reflection on the circulation of pornography in the public space, its impact on the life and sexuality of women and the theoretical political contributions coming from a feminism that problematizes pornography as structural violence. Chile is taken as a situated reference, a country that, like many others in the Latin American region, has high pornographic consumption and a historical state ambiguity on this issue, being the object of concern recently only because of the risk it poses for girls and boys, while at the same time, pornography is promoted and tolerated through the market and the media. The present writing is an essay that brings together some current background information on pornography in Chile, which is complemented by theoretical contributions from feminism and the author, with the aim of updating a practically non-existent debate in Chilean feminism and motivating a position against this social problem that particularly affects girls and women.


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