Assessment of pornography consumption in adolescent girls: analysis of the NOP consumption in the female population
Pornography, new online pornography, adolescents, women, pornography impactsAbstract
New Online Pornography (NOP) has become one of the central issues in the debate on the socialization of adolescents and young people, at least in terms of interpersonal relationships. It is known that the level of consumption has been growing steadily since the generalization of 4G technologies. We are also aware of many of the consequences of such consumption, especially when it exceeds certain limits. Finally, the capitalist business that promotes pornography, in connection with the prostitution system, is increasingly well understood. Until now, research has been based mainly on the consumption of pornography by men, which was the population that accessed pornography in the highest percentage, and there are very few studies that analyze consumption by the female population. This study presents the diagnostic study on access, consumption and impacts of pornography distributed on the Internet, both in interpersonal and social relationships, focusing on adolescent girls from the Balearic Islands. The influence of pornography on perceptions, attitudes and behaviors is analyzed and discussed from a feminist perspective.
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