No. 16 (2024)

Sex and Gender Differences in the Association Between Depression and Heart Failure: A Systematic Literature Review

Aline Jelenkovic Moreno
Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
Maialen Espejo
Universidad del País Vasco
Esther Rebato
Universidad del País Vasco
Published July 15, 2024


cardiovascular disease, depressive symptoms, risk factors, sex/gender differences
How to Cite
Jelenkovic Moreno, A., Espejo, M., & Rebato, E. (2024). Sex and Gender Differences in the Association Between Depression and Heart Failure: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Feminist, Gender and Women Studies, (16), 48–69.


Heart failure (HF) is the inability of the heart to pump adequate blood to the tissues and affects 64.3 million people. Depression is a risk factor related to HF that, together with other comorbidities, habits and socioeconomic factors, lead to a worse outcome of HF. The main objective of this review was to evaluate the effect of depression in HF patients according to sex and/or gender and to analyse possible differences in the depressive symptoms. For this purpose, a systematic literature review was carried out using the Web of Science database and various inclusion and exclusion criteria. In most of the studies, significant sex/gender differences were observed in the depressive symptoms, being greater in women. Whereas HF mortality rate was similar in both sexes, women showed a poorer quality of life, and men were more likely to be re-hospitalised. Women's predisposition to depression can be explained by social factors and biological mechanisms. Obesity, diabetes, physical inactivity and socioeconomic status are more prevalent in women, while hypertension and smoking are more common in men. However, the risk of HF caused by these two factors is higher in women. In conclusion, HF is a multifactorial disease whose discrepancies according to sex and gender should be considered by health professionals.


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