Experiences of migrant women from Venezuela in Spain: an intersectional analysis.
Intersectionality, gender, migrants, Venezuelan women, vulnerabilityAbstract
Introduction: intersectionality is an analysis tool that allows us to understand from the experiences of a group of migrant women established in Spain, the inequalities and discrimination generated by systems of oppression. Method: qualitative phenomenological research, whose objective was to analyze from an intersectional perspective, the social complexity experienced by Venezuelan migrant women, through the identification and interrelation of axes of inequality. The population consisted of 20 women selected by intentional capture. The instrument used was an interview guide, with 55 open-ended semi- structured questions. The interviews were conducted between the months of October- December 2021; each interview lasted approximately 60 minutes, to then proceed to carry out a content analysis. Results: the participants are a group of vulnerable women intercepted by 3 interrelated axes: gender, social class and, origin, rationalization and ethnic and cultural diversity. The identified categories that allowed the understanding of the phenomenon were three: access to work and working conditions, forms of linguistic rejection and stereotypes based on hypersexualization. Conclusion: the axes and categories identified have different ontologies related to the dynamics of power and exclusion that affect migrants, but in the configuration of inequalities, their interrelation is constitutive. The formulation of policies, intervention programs and the incorporation of the subject in the political and institutional agenda is suggested.
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