No. 2 (2005): Feminism and International Relations

Feminist Ethics and Hegemonic Global Politics

Viviennne JABRI
profesora del Dpto. de Estudios sobre la Guerra del King's College de Londres
Published September 15, 2005


Gender, political feminism, war matrix, hegemony, Emancipation
How to Cite
JABRI, V. (2005). Feminist Ethics and Hegemonic Global Politics. Relaciones Internacionales, (2), 1–22.


In order to contribute to the revival of feminism as a distinctive political project, this article explores the potential of feminist contributions in the fields of ethics and politics. Its purpose is trying to give an answer, from a feminist perspective, that incorporates ethical and political dimensions to the current global context, in which the hegemonic neoliberal order and its matrix of war, leads simultaneously to total control and fragmentation. The main aim is to demand the political dimension in the feminist speech, identifying its possibilities and considering their position in relation to the hegemonic order, against which they merge two feminists options. First, there is the possibility of complicity, in the form of feminism of the co-optation, which lacks a critical voice on the present. On the other hand, it arises the option of committed feminism, based on dissent and contestation, which combines the local and the global in the creation of transnational networks.


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