No. 25 (2018)
Textos de arabismo español

Outside the walls: Arabism beyond the Center for Historical Studies: the correspondence between Julián Ribera and José Castillejo

Published December 14, 2018
How to Cite
LÓPEZ GARCÍA, B. (2018). Outside the walls: Arabism beyond the Center for Historical Studies: the correspondence between Julián Ribera and José Castillejo. Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (25), 162–184. https://doi.org/10.15366/reim2018.25.009


Between 1907 and 1916, the group of Spanish Arabists known as the “school of Codera” (Beni Codera, as expressed by the scholar Emilio García Gómez) was part of an inclusive institution that comprised different academic fields, both scientific and humanistic, in Spain. This institution was the Junta para Ampliación De Estudios (the Council for Extension of Studies and Scientific Research). The work carried out by this group in the Center for Historical Studies (an institution dependent on the Council) represents one of its most fruitful periods of research activity. But in 1916, the participation of Asín Palacios in the Board in charge of evaluating  the candidates for the chair of Sociology at the University Complutense of Madrid  a field  foreign to the Spanish school of Arabists), and to which applied the Council’s Secretary, José Castillejo, resulted in the withdrawal of the Arabist group from both the Center and the Junta. This led to the isolation of Arabism from the development of the area of humanities in Spain. The correspondence between Julián Ribera, at the time the patriarch of Arabism, and Castillejo, describes the context of this breaking and contributes to the understanding of the evolution of contemporary Spanish Arabism.


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CASTILLEJO, David (1997): Los intelectuales reformadores de España, volumen III, Fatalidad y porvenir 1913-1937, Madrid, Editorial Castalia.

GARCÍA GARRIJO, Eneida (1990): “Ciclo de conferencias Africanismo y Orientalismo (1850-1939)”, Awraq . Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo, vol. XI, pp. 259-261.

LAPORTA SAN MIGUEL, Francisco Javier, ZAPATERO GÓMEZ, Virgilio, RUIZ MIGUEL, Alfonso, SOLANA MADARIAGA, Javier (enero 1987): "Los orígenes culturales de la Junta para Ampliación de Estudios", de Arbor, nº 493 pp. 17-87.

LÓPEZ GARCÍA, Bernabé (1990) “Arabismo y orientalismo en España. Radiografía de un gremio escaso y apartadizo”, Awraq . Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo, anejo vol 11, pp. 35-69.

MARÍN, Manuela, DE LA PUENTE, Cristina, RODRÍGUEZ MEDIANO, Fernando y Pérez Alcalde, Juan Ignacio (2009): Los epistolarios de Julián Ribera Tarragó y Miguel Asín Palacios. Introducción, catálogo e índices, CSIC, Estudios Árabes e Islámicos, Madrid.
